
NICO+CARO - Is It Tech, No? EP

Pearls For Pigs
NICO+CARO - Is It Tech, No? EP (Pearls For Pigs)

NICO+CARO "Is It Tech, No? EP"

We are NICO+CARO, raised on the shores of the North Sea and Lake Constance.
We have been living in Zürich for a number of years and find it to be one of the best party cities we know.
Spinning records together fills us with joy and ignites an energetic spark in us, a spark that is hopefully passed onto you.
Because nothing is more amazing than dancing the night away with a twinkle in your eye and permanent smile ;)
Its exactly this feeling we are trying to evoke in our music, good vibes and good moods.

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Pearls For Pigs


Eingestiegen Platz 60 am 29.01.2018
Höchste Punktzahl 240 am 29.01.2018
Höchste Platzierung 60
Wochen platziert 2


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